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Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 712

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of much more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. how are your drawing and/or painting skills?

Passable if I need to convey an idea to someone, but otherwise pretty basic. Both are at the level of eighth grade art class, which was when I peaked artistically, LOL!

2. have you ever taken or wanted to take a ballet class?

I took a few beginner classes in my 20s when I lived in San Francisco but never quite got into it. I preferred the high energy of hip-hop dance classes. Although, the people in my ballet class were so interesting! There were several high-level football players in the beginner class, and I was always so in awe of their body control.


3. vegas or Hawaii?

Assuming this decision could be made during non-pandemic times, then Hawaii in a heartbeat, but I wouldn’t say no to vegas if I only had to be there for 48 hours to eat delicious food and view live shows.

4. lotion in a jar: your thoughts?

Ya know, I don’t mind it if it’s body lotion because it’s that much faster for me to scoop it out of a jar than to use a tube or a pump.

5. backpack or fanny pack?

Although I don’t own one, I wouldn’t mind a fanny pack.


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6. Carrots or celery?

Baby carrots all the way!

7. Is it strange for you to wear bright lipstick?

Nah, not at all. I love bright reds, pinks and corals.

8. yoga or spinning?

Spinning, because I need to sweat today.

9. Last book you finished?

“Klara and the Sun.” loved it, although I have so numerous mixed feelings about the ending.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,



ملاحظة. here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. speak with ya soon.

1. how are your drawing and/or painting skills?
2. have you ever taken or wanted to take a ballet class?
3. vegas or Hawaii?
4. lotion in a jar: your thoughts?
5. backpack or fanny pack?
6. Carrots or celery?
7. Is it strange for you to wear bright lipstick?
8. yoga or spinning?
9. Last book you finished

P.P.S. hi there, sweet girl! I hope you treat yourself with kindness and sweetness this week. Please delight in this stunning Monday!

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